Underpinning is necessary for repairing an unstable foundation by helping to extend the depth of the foundation around the structure.

Common issues these days will be drought that will lead to changes with clay foundations. Dry ground can shrink the clay foundation, causing the dwelling walls to move, and this movement will lead to cracks and gaps in the walls and lead to more severe damage.

Some reasons why your property might need  Underpinning Melbourne:


  • The weather can play a large part for the need to underpin also dry conditions or drought cause the soil to move or change in density.


  • Your original foundations is not stable enough, or the structure use has changed.  Many times changes in soil properties supporting the foundation or the foundations not being properly engineered to meet the soil class



Finished concrete paving after concrete.


  • We first assess the job and often engage an engineer to discuss outcomes.
  • We then dig beside footings and foundations where extra concrete/support has been engineered.
  • All work is then expected and signed off by an inspector.
  • We then proceed to fill footings with structurally vibrated concrete and lift hydraulic jacks in the coming days.


Footings dug for underpinning


Jacks support before concrete


Finished concrete paving after concrete.


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