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House Underpinning




Underpinning is the process of working to strengthen and reinforce the foundations that are already within your home or building. Normally solid brick or brick veneer homes are affected the most.


The most likely causes are when foundations are subject to leaky pipes, poor drainage, damage from tree roots, or dry soil as a result of hot summers.

It usually involved the digging out around surrounding foundations/footings, and adding extra concrete. Its always best to call in house underpinners as early possible to stop damage to a property.  Once decay of foundations start it can escalate very quickly and turn out more costly then it needs to be.


Restumping & Reblocking



Restumping is the process for removal of old wooden stumps that are set beneath a building or a home, then replacing them using durable concrete stumps.


The major indicators that you can look for are plaster walls that are showing the signs of cracking, windows and doors that may not be shutting properly, squeaky floorboards or carpet flooring or you may notice your home is sloping to one side.

If you notice any of these problems, when we inspect the dwelling we will be able to assess whether or not part or all the house stumps need replacing.

Concrete Stumps

Floor Levelling & Packing

On assessment of the job, sometimes flooring may not need complete reblocking . Often times some or parts of the floor has moved due changes in the soil, brick movement or timber shrinkage.

If this is the case, we are able to lift the floor to level using hydraulic jacks and then heightening  the stumps with structural grade packers so the sub floor then sits level on the bearer.


As registered builders in Melbourne, we can also assist you with all other related building or home improvements services. We often fix weatherboards or exteriors which have come under stress due to the foundations, or even cracks and internal works.


Video Tutorial & information

We have created a short video that will give you a rundown on what you need to know and look out for before hiring an underpinner or restumper.

Victorian Building Authority

We are fully accredited with the Building Practitioners Board License #DB-L44540 & DBU -1719. The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) regulates building practitioners in Melbourne to ensure the achievement of efficient and competitive building industries.

Master Builders Melbourne


As a registered member #6792 . All work April Constructions completes is in accordance with MBV and is of the highest Standards within the industry.

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